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Monthly Crosthwaite Weather Report for

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Total Rainfall:  (historical average*:
Days of rainfall: 
Heaviest Rainfall: 
Max Wind Gust: 
Average Wind: 
Bright sun: 
Max Temperature:  
Min Temperature: 
Mean Temperature: 
Max Pressure: 
Min Pressure: 
Mean Pressure: 

* Historical average based on Crosthwaite rainfall records 1869-75, 1906-24, 1937-47 & 1993-2004.
  For details click "Historical Rainfall Records" button below.

Rainfall Rain & Sun Temperature Humidity Pressure Wind Summaries Historical Rainfall Records


This chart shows the daily rainfall totals.
After a frosty night, the frost thawing can appear as trace 'rainfall'. When this occurs, the day's rainfall is set to zero in this chart and the day is not included in the 'rainy day' count.

Rain, Snow, Sun and Fog/Low cloud

This chart shows the rainfall rate and sun during the day.

Prolonged gentle drizzle may be clearly differentiated from short sharp showers.
After a frosty night a .3mm/hr blip may be seen as the frost thaws. This is suppressed in the rainfall totals chart above.
Snowfall will of course only be registered after a thaw, so there could be a significant delay between it falling and it being registered (e.g. the 9th January 2021). Snowfall and frost-melt are shown in grey; rainfall in blue.

In 2020, the sunshine was derived from the UV index adjusted according to sun elevation. Hover over the graph to see UV index.
Unfortunately the UV sensor does not record at all in the winter months. Instead, since the beginning of 2021, sunshine is determined from a jamjar with a temperature sensor inside, utilising the greenhouse effect. This works surprisingly well.

Mist, fog and low cloud are detected when the humidity is greater than 99% and there is no wind. These conditions are illustrated by a grey background.


This chart shows minimum and maximum temperatures for each day.
Hover over temperature data bar to see Wind Chill and Heat Index.


- averaged over the day to remove diurnal fluctuations.
Hover over data point to see mean Dew Point.

Barometric Pressure (adjusted for sea level)

- averaged over the day to remove diurnal fluctuations

Windspeed and Direction

The wind direction on the x axis relates to the average wind vector. Hover over data point to see direction of maximum wind gust.

The diagram shows wind vectors, averaged every 30 minutes.
The red spots represent wind gusts, and the blue spots wind averages.
The further from the centre, the higher the wind speed.


Weather station

The weather station is a Youshiko YC9388. It senses the following meteorological phenomena:-

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed/direction
  • Rainfall
  • Solar UV index
  • Barometric Pressure

Data is transmitted wirelessly every 12 seconds to a console unit in the house. This unit may then be connected via USB to a PC to transfer weather data as a csv file. It is possible to buy models which are WiFi enabled to transmit data continuously to websites such as Weather Underground or weathercloud. This model is not WiFi enabled, but data may be uploaded to these websites manually.

The csv file is uploaded to the Crosthwaite & Lyth website, and these graphs and data are automatically generated by javascript coding.


Monthly Summaries

Other Yearly Reports  
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